Saturday, January 23, 2010

Marco Cazzato's enigmatic life forms

Thanks to fellow blogger and children's books lover cristina k. casini 
for inspiring this postabout yet one more very talented 
contemporary Italian illustrator, Marco Cazzato.

Marco (b. 1975) studied comics and illustration, then worked in the animation field
 before devoting himself completely to illustration in 2003. He collaborates with some 
of Italy's most respected newspapers and publishers, including Il Sole 24 Ore, La Stampa
 and Einaudi. Since 2008, Marco is also professor of editorial illustration at IED in Torino.
He lives in an isolated farmhouse with two cats and his "stupid dog".

Marco also runs two very good looking and interesting blogs: Sessanta Notturno 
and Illustri Racconti, which posts short stories by writers inspired by his illustrations.



Two illustrations for Cfr, published by Einaudi

Two posters

Illustration for Linus

Oco Oca

Mangime! – Bird food!

Two illustrations for La Stampa