Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Raquel Aparicio

Illustration for Festival de El Sol

I am really enjoying the work of young Spanish illustrator Raquel Aparicio
Raquel is 24 and she started working as a professional in 2006 after studying illustration
in Spain and Florida. She has since been involved in an impressive series of projects 
and international commissions in the editorial and advertising fields, with forays 
into fabric design, comics and animation.
Raquel loves cats, and that shows through in her elegant and whimsical drawings. 

Illustrations for El Paraiso de los Gatos (The Paradise of Cats) by Emile Zola
She uses a variety of media and styles, with Oriental art 
as one of the most obvious influences in her work.

Detail from a personal work.

Illustrations for Cuentos Russos (Russian fairy tales) by Afanasiev, published by Anaya.
I'd really like to get this book, and also the other three volumes of the series 
illustrated by Violeta Lópiz, Nicolai Troshinsky and Beatriz Martin VIdal. 
When I was a child my parents had a beautiful Einaudi edition of these tales, 
whose influence on my imaginary world seems to reverberate to this day.

Illustration for Festival de El Sol
Polecat, illustration for The Ark project


  1. These illustrations are wonderful, I love the zebra and the space and layout of the second one with the cat, dog and wool.

  2. They are gorgeous! I like these ink stains.
