Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday Safari - Dear Donkeys

 Jean Dubuffet, The Lost Donkey, 1959

 Richard Müller 1920, via Galleria dell'incisione

 Albert Lamorisse, 1951, thanks to Agence Eureka

From Wild Animals by Rop van Mierlo

Swig , Tiny Donkey

Illustration from La ferme du père castor by Hélène Guertik, 1937, thanks to art.crazed

Roger Duvoisin, Donkey—donkey, 1933

Illustration from Alle Tiere Schlafen Schon by Hans Schmandt, 1973, 


  1. Thanks for reminding me of that dear story Donkey-Donkey.. great subject

  2. Great Donkey illustrations, especially 1, 3 and Brian Wildsmith's. I recently did on a post on Regina and Haig Shekerjian, one of their illustrations has a great donkey in it. If you would like to check it out go to:

  3. Every one of your posts is a visual delight. Thanks for sharing all of these wonderful images.
