Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Safari - Pique-Nique

 Alfred Bestall, 1936, from the book Children's book covers

Days are getting shorter, but it's still warm and sunny in Florence.
Let's spend some time outdoors before the cold sets in...

 Molly Brett, thanks to Shelley Davies

 Laurent de Brunhoff, Captain Serafina, 1963, via Curio Books

 Bruno SalamoneDejeuner-sur-l'herbe

Kazuo Iwamura via Children's Illustration

 Jill Barklem, Spring Story - A Birthday Surprise for Wilfred
 Campfire by Pipapiep

Paul Colin, Cinzano

Martina Badstuber, thanks to Maral Sassouni


  1. I grew up reading Rupert Bear - I have kept all my dad's books from the 40s and 50s - that's what caught my eye here but also nice to discover Princess camcam. Enjoy the outdoors while you can.

  2. ciao!
    here my pic-nic:

  3. Deborah, I would love to see your Rupert Bear collection!

    Ciao Serena, grazie del link!
