Monday, June 25, 2012

Cat Naps

It's been a while since I have updated you on Emma's health: she has been doing relatively well
thanks to a cortisone-based treatment, but I am afraid that the next couple of weeks are going to be rough.
 Once again, thanks for your emotional support and good wishes!

In the meantime, it's been very hot, and our cats are busy sleeping most of the day
(above, Tina in front to her virtual version; below, Chapi around my head).
Well, cats love to sleep, and I love watching them sleep - in fact, I find them irresistible. 
I am not at all surprised that so many artist have captured these moments! 
In fact, this gallery cound go on and on and on...

Clare Turlay Newberry, Pandora, 1944

Elizabeth Bonsall, The book of the cat, 1903, via the Children's International Digital Library

Mary Fedden, The Poppy, the Cat and the Compass, thanks to Gatochy

Leonard Weisgard, Suki, the Siamese Pussy, 1937

Charles Wysocki, Too pooped to participate

Garth Williams, The Kitten Who Thought He Was a Mouse, 1954

 Hans Schmandt, Alle Tiere Schlafen Schon, 1973, thanks to Arthur van Kruining

Elizabeth Blackadder, Coco Sleeping

Tony Meeuwissen, Cat and mouse

Henri Galeron, Le chat

 Nicola Bayley, The patchwork cat


  1. wonderful cats!

    wishing you and Emma all the best, x

  2. You are a beautiful soul Laura to love and adore your pets as you do. Big cuddles for Emma. And thanks again for such a lovely blog that I never miss reading.
