Sunday, June 9, 2013

Cake Please!

Sorry for the recent lack of posts, but as soon as I came back from Paris last Tuesday
I had to start working on two new Summer courses, and still don't have the time to do much else.
Today's gallery is dedicated to one of the many great things I love about the Ville Lumière,
its delicious cakes and pastries. 

Unsurprisingly, when I was a child this was one of my favorite illustrations in my favorite book...
  tarte aux framboises, moelleux au chocolat, éclair au café, gateau au chocolat et noisettes,
 créme brulée (etcetera), I already miss you!

John Dukes McKee, The Big Show, 1933

As a child I was also very fond of this book illustrated by Leonard Weisgard in 1951

Noelle Lavaivre, Pistache et Dame Tartine, 1959

Raymond de Lavererie, Histoire de Kiri et Kikou, 1959, and 
Laurent de Brunhoff, Serafina la girafe, 1961, via Curio Books

 Alain Gree, Il y a une petite abeille, via pour toujours...

Dahlov IpcarHard Scrabble Harvest, 1976

unknown illustrator, thanks to carlomaria

Oksana Ignashchenko, 1985, thanks to polny_shkaf


Anthony Browne

Ronald Searle

Well, not everybody likes cake!


  1. Hi Laura,
    would you make a gallery for chocolate? ;)

    By the way, Kornei Chukovskii is an author of a text. An ilustrator's name is Oksana Ignashchenko.

  2. Dear Mark, one day I'll have to get my act together and learn Russian!

    As a thanks, here's some chocolate for you:

    1. Great! Chocolate!
      Thank you very much! :)

    2. By the way, I tried to translate a name of the book of Mavrina you asked to help you with. I posted it in a comment there.

  3. Oh, I know what you mean about Paris and its pâtisseries! I miss that too. I love all these animals with delicious desserts. Hope your work is going well even if you are busy.

  4. I love your blog! And Paris and cake mmmmmmmm you can wake me up for that:)

  5. What a wonderful post!!!! Thank you!
