Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Penguin Parade

Maria Helena Vieira da Silva, KÔ et KÔ, 1933

After these long quiet weeks, expect to see lots more picture-based posts during the holidays,
as I plan to upload a good number of themed image galleries that have been sitting in my hard drive
 too long. Let's start with some of my (and apparently everyone's) favorite birds! 

Marjorie Flack, Willy Nilly,1945

Leonard Weisgard, Penguin's Way, 1962

Charley Harper

Krystyna Wojciechowska, Gdyby…, 1975, via 50 Watts

Dick Bruna

Svjetlan Junakovic, Bienvenue Chez Nous

Diana Sudyka, Island of Adelies

Painting and sculpture by Guido Pigni

In the mood for more? Just follow the link...

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