Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Notte di Luna

 Fabio de Poli is a contemporary Italian artist living in Firenze.
Since the 1970s he has been creating and exhibiting paintings, collages, posters, 
artist books, sculptures, installations, mosaics, furniture and glass panels. 
Notte di Luna came out in 2004, the first in a series of four books
produced with Andrea Rauch for the small Florentine publisher Volo.
The wordless volume won the H.C. Andersen award in 2005.

A pond at night. The silent moon is mirrored in the water. 
Animals suddenly appear and try to talk to her, 
each with its own language, as in a daydream. 
(from the back cover)


  1. Muy bonitas estas composiciones...muy originales. Te deseo un feliz próximo año. Victoria.

  2. Ah, de Poli's work is such a visual treat! Thank you Laura for the introduction... and a very merry new 2011 to you! :~)
