Saturday, March 12, 2011

Christian's Creatures

The works of this Argentinian illustrator have so much character,
such rich colors, bold shapes, beautiful textures, and they 
are inhabited by such funky animals and monsters!

Illustration for Pets magazine

Cover and spreads from the book Quatro Gatos Negros Flacos 
written by Didí Grau and designed by Laura Varsky

Two illustrations from the 2004 book The Creation
a contemporary visual interpretation of the book of Genesis

Two illustrations from Spooky calendar

Lemurs for Media Vaca's book Mis Primeras 80.000 Palabras 

Illustration for Varoom magazine

Illustration for Bestia magazine

Two creations from the Imaginary beings series

Christian has recently illustrated a series of sacred Indian animals
for the group exhibition Animania curated by Divya Thakur.
The show also featured works by Lokesh KarekarLeandro Castelao