Friday, March 30, 2012

Portugal in Bologna

Bernardo Carvalho

I have been wanting to post some pictures from the Bologna Book Fair, but my time 
was very limited this week... here to start is a peek at a few works from Portugal, 
this year's Guest of Honour and a country rich with talented and innovative illustrators.

 Thanks to Principi and Princípi for the photo

I thought that the exhibition design was quite nice, but a nightmare for taking photographs!

Madalena Matoso

Among the artists represented, I was happy to find some personal favorites 
like Madalena Matoso and Bernardo Carvalho of Planeta Tangerina
and the great André da Loba.

André da Loba

Gonçalo Viana

There were also numerous new discoveries, such as the vibrant illustrations of Gonçalo Viana,
with their beautiful textures and colorful geometric patterns

a combination of drawing and paper cutout by Cristina Valadas

a sweet flock of domesticated kids by Teresa Lima

the humorous collage work of Marta Madureira

and the stylized animal illustrations of Tiago Albuquerque...

visit the official site for other pictures and a complete list of the illustrators on show.
That's it for me today, see you soon with more Bologna beasts!


  1. Thanks a lot! So beautiful post!

  2. I'll get to Bologna one of these days, Laura! Thanks for giving me a glimpse of the fair. Planeta Tangerina is at the top of my list of favourites, too...

  3. Merci....
    Ce lien est une mine, un trésor ! :-)
