Monday, July 23, 2012

Crabs & Lobsters

Ted Petok screen print, 1951, thanks to steveartist

Rambharos Jha, two silkscreens from Waterlife, by Tara Bokks

Billy HayesAmerican lobster

Dahlov Ipcar, Lobsterman, 1962, thanks to My vintage book collection (in blog form)

Guido Scarabottolo, Bestiario Accidentale

Sebastiano Ranchetti, Think in Color


  1. Laura, thank you so much for including my lobster! I'm very honored to be included with so many amazing artists.

  2. Of course, I love the paper ones and the sculptures, but all of them are fabulous. I'm sorry to say that they also make me a bit hungry. I have that problem when I go to visit the aquarium too. I know, I know. I just bow my head in shame.

  3. Merci Laura .Ce blog est magnifique!
