Sunday, July 29, 2012

Goodbye Dear Emma


  1. I remember my goodbye every time and cant stop crying. ti amo Emma.

  2. I am so sorry. It's the worst feeling,this sorrow. They just don't live long enough.

  3. My heart is with you.

  4. I'm so very sorry. Warm and loving thoughts for you and Emma's memory.

  5. You were her family throughout her stay with you, and her comfort when she was ill. They are entrusted to us for a short while, these animals of ours, and we must do our best for them as they tangle themselves around our hearts and teach us about unconditional love. Try not to be too sad. You mustn't allow a brief illness and decline to define the experience of Emma's time with you. Hold on to all the wonderful memories. They will far outweigh what came toward the end.

  6. I've said a lot of goodbyes to faithful friends in my life. The only thing that eases the pain is the thought of them all racing towards me on the day that I ascend to where they are. What a ruckus in heaven there will be that day! Wishing you peace and ruckuses of your own!

  7. My deepest condolences for your loss, May the days ahead bear lightness from time to time, while you learn to relive and heal.

  8. You will keep her as a treasure in your memory.
    Thanks for all the goodies on your blog.

  9. Mi dispiace molto, so cosa vuol dire perdere un amico a quattro zampe.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Yo perdí a mi gato en Navidad.Eramos almas gemelas.Se lo que debes estar pasando ...lo siento mucho.

  12. Goodbye, lovely Emma... I am so sorry, Laura. When my cat Maximum went, it took me so long to come to terms. I know how you feel and my thoughts are with you.x

  13. I'm so sorry Laura, I do feel so close to you at this time, I remember your loving comment when we lost our Breezy was exactly 2 months from then that you lost Emma. I haven't been on facebook lately because the grief has left me almost paralyzed. Love to you and dear Sebastiano.

  14. Big thanks for your loving comments, they're most welcome!
    Many of you had to go through such difficult moments before, so I know
    that you know how I feel and am grateful for your kindness and compassion.

    I have posted a gallery of photos celebrating the special bond between
    Emma and Sebastiano on our facebook page, if you like you can see it here:
