Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Alphabet Soup Nr.2

What better way to learn the alphabet than looking at pictures of animals?
Enjoy this new hodgepodge of different styles and techniques.
And for the previous collection, click here

Andrew Zuckerman, Creature ABC


Jurg Klabes, ABC mit Tieren, 1958, via Curio Books

C.B. Falls, The Book of ABCs, 1923

Gwenola Carrère, ABC des petites annonces

Françoise Seignobosc, The gay ABC, 1930, via Curio Books

Anushka Ravishankar and Christiane Pieper, Alphabets are Amazing Animals

Jean de la Fontinelle, Alphabet, 1940s, thanks to Words and Eggs

 Lois Lenski, My own ABC book, thanks to Q is for Quilter

Bittersugar Print, letterpress alphabet

Brian Wildsmith, From A to Z Teaching Cards, 1974, thanks to Jill Casey

 Seymour Chwast, Still Another Alphabet Book, 1969

Alice and Martin Provensen, A Peaceable Kingdom: The Shaker Abecedarius, 1978

Anne Rockwell, Albert B. Cub and Zebra, 1977

Walter Crane, The Noah's Ark Alphabet, 1871-72

Fritz Eichenberg, Ape in a cape, 1953, thanks to The Art of Children's Picture Books

David Frampton, My Beastie Book of ABC, 2002, thanks to Black and White

Eileen MayoNature's ABC, 1944

Jean de Brunhoff, ABC of Babar, 1936


  1. Another beautiful collection. Thank you Laura!

  2. I love the Provensen's perplexed tiger.

  3. What a great compilation of prints! I love alphabet letters especially in a nursery, and this one is topping my list!

  4. Great collection. Now I understand why we need to preserve the unicorns or else we wouldn't have an "animal" for the letter u...

  5. Very interesting blog and... wonderful alphbet! I guess my favourite is the FOX!

