Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Revenge of the Lost Dragons

Wow, how time flies! (probably not the first time I say this)
I had collected these images thinking of posting them last winter,
but here I am, and the Year of the Dragon is already reaching its end...

I take this opportunity to thank all the readers who have followed, commented 
and e-mailed; I am very grateful for your compliments, encouragement and suggestions!
And a special thanks goes to all the artists, publishers, authors and illustrators 
who have generously and graciously contributed to this blog in so many different ways. 
I have to ask all of you who have contacted me recently, and have been waiting for a reply, 
to kindly be patient. The last three months have seen an unusually abundant outpouring
 of freelance graphic design work on top of my regular 18 weekly hours of teaching.
I sometimes I wonder if my head is going to explode, but I am also quite happy
because, let's face it, I enjoy being busy. And I promise I'll find the time 
to keep the Animalarium as full of life and surprises as ever!


  1. Thank you for the time you take. I loved this one and the Wayne Anderson is one of my all time favourites.

  2. The dragons are wonderful! Brian Wildsmith's dragon has always appealed to me. Thank you for a great site.

  3. always a joy and inspiration to visit here, x

  4. thanks for sharing: as usual it's an ispiration ^^

  5. Fine. I also thought you should keep on posting ;-) Especially after this dragon collection. Thanks a lot!

  6. Being new to your site I don't want to see you go already. I joined it because of the beautiful and interesting posts and am looking forward to seeing more.



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